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Early Childhood Education: APA Citation Guide

Early Childhood Education

APA 7th Edition


Double spaced

Margins 1” on all sides.

Recommended font size 12pt. Times New Roman.

Your paper should have a page header or “running head” at the top of every page. The running head should not be more than 50 characters, and can be a shortened version of the title of your paper. After the title page, there should be an abstract of about 150 -200 words of your paper. 


When using APA formatting style, in-text citations use the author (year) system. 


"Academic libraries constitute a fundamental part of college and university transformation and success in the 21st century" (Dewey, 2017).

When you cite a source within the text, there must be a corresponding listing of the source in your reference list.


JOURNALS (printed)

1. Author/s. 2. (Year of publication). 3. Title of article.   4. Title of journal, Vol. num(issue num. if available), pages.

Klug, J. R. (2014). Spotlight on frontotemporal dementia. Nursing 2014 44(8), 55-58.


1. Author/s and/or editor/s. 2. (Year of publication). 3. Title of book. 4. Publisher

Jotlikoff, L. J. (2007). The healthcare fix. MIT Press.


1. Author.     2. (Date published).    3. Title of work.    4. Title of online periodical, Vol. num(issue num, if available), pages. Retrieved from (url)

Lantz, P. M. (2008). Gender and leadership in healthcare administration: 21st century progress and challenges. Journal of Healthcare Management, 53(5), 291-301. Retrieved from

Remember to:

  • Capitalize all major words in journal titles.
  • Capitalize only the first letter of the first word of a title and subtitle, the first word after a colon or a dash in the title, and proper nouns when referring to books, chapters, articles, or Web pages. 

For more examples, refer to



  • The list of sources that you used should be titled "References"
  • Arrange the items on your reference list alphabetically by author .
  • Indent the second and following lines 5 spaces or one half inch. (In Word, use "Hanging Indent.")
  • Use only the initials of the authors' first and middle names.
  • If no author is given, start with the title and then the date.
  • Article titles and book titles : capitalize only the first word of the title and subtitle. (Capitalize all significant words of periodical titles .)
  • Periodical/journal names and book titles need to be italicized
  • Websites: if the the page was created is not given, use (n.d.)



APA Tutorial

A short tutorial to help you understand how to cite in APA citation style.

Citation Tool (Noodletools)





Noodle Tools is a web-based research service that helps students correctly cite sources.

Online APA Guides